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Media Release - Newspapers


11 April 2011 : Shape up!

China Press

10 April 2011 : 做女人如何挺好?


8 March 2011 : Firming up saggy bustline

Nan Yang

27 Feb 2011 : 美胸饮品女人.挺放心


11 Jan 2011 : Firm and shape up


13 Dec 2010 : Size does not matter

China Press

12 Dec 2010 : 女人放心喝美胸轻松得

China Press

14 Nov 2010 : 女人不胸,如何美满?

Kwang Hua

17 Oct 2010 : 挺胸 从源头下手

China Press

3 Oct 2010 : 女人喝 魅力胸涌




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